Conversion funnels are now easier to use
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Finteza now features the system of funnel directories, allowing users to find the right funnel in a much easier way.
If you constantly monitor conversions, you eventually come across the fact that the list of funnels has become too lengthy and inefficient. It is possible to remove funnels to reduce complexity, but this means that you will have to create them again each time they are needed.
We have come up with a better solution - the directory system. Create directories with any names and group your funnels according to your preferences.
Creating a directory is easy: enter its name at the top of the list and click the checkmark — the directory appears in the line below.
New funnels appear in the Unsorted directory by default. To move the funnel somewhere else, simply drag it to the required destination.
We have specified the author, creation date and number of stages for each funnel. Now you do not have to open a funnel to choose the right one.
Get the trial version of Finteza right now and increase the conversion rate of your website or application, by utilizing our funnels.